Photo of a baby after a circumcision in Montreal
March 8, 2023

What Is the Best Age for a Circumcision?

Circumcision is a surgical procedure for removing the foreskin that usually covers the tip of the penis. It is performed between the first two and ten days after birth.

It can, however, be done at any age. The practice is fairly common in North America, and it is estimated that nearly 40% of male children around the world have been circumcised.

Over the years, there have been many debates about the pros and cons of circumcision, and opinions are still divided on whether or not it is ideal. Due to the varied reasons advanced by religion, culture, and science, these debates are not about to end any time soon.

If you are considering circumcision in Montreal, however, be sure to get your facts straight and have the procedure performed by a qualified practitioner in a reputable facility.

Read on to explore certain considerations concerning circumcision.

Parent’s considerations for circumcision

When deciding to have their infant son circumcised, parents must weigh the potential benefits and risks of the procedure. The most common reason for circumcision is religious tradition, but there are also medical and social considerations.

Parents may want their baby circumcised for any number of reasons. Most parents with a firm religious or scientific inclination to circumcision will have their baby circumcised between two and ten days after birth.

Religious considerations for circumcision

Some religions have been practicing circumcision for thousands of years. To the adherents of these religions, there is usually no debate as to whether their son will be circumcised shortly after birth.

Some religions like Judaism will have all male children circumcised on the eighth day after birth. This is according to the commands given to Abraham in the bible. Biblically, circumcision was to act as a sign of the covenant that God made with Abraham and it was to be observed by all generations to follow.

Certain religions, however, don’t circumcise their children on the eighth day. Some will do it after 21 days while others will visit a circumcision clinic after three months of the child’s birth.

Medical considerations for circumcision

Many choose circumcision for their newborn son due to medical reasons.

It is believed that there are certain benefits that come with circumcision, including the following:

Better hygiene – removing the foreskin allows for better hygiene. The prepuce may sometimes conceal dirt beneath it, and young boys may not know how to properly clean the area.

Reduced risk of contracting urinary tract infections – the chances of getting a urinary tract infection in men is usually very low, however, uncircumcised males tend to have a higher rate of these infections.

Lower chances of penile cancer – penile cancer is extremely rare, but there are studies to suggest that it is less common in circumcised men.

Also, several studies have observed that cervical cancer is less prevalent in females with circumcised partners.

Low chances of getting certain sexually transmitted infections – it is believed that circumcised men have a lower risk of contracting certain sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS.

Prevention of penile complications – phimosis is a condition common among men with uncircumcised penis. This is a condition whereby it becomes difficult or impossible to retract the foreskin.

This can cause the foreskin to become inflamed, leading to other forms of penile complications. With a circumcised penis, however, this will never be a problem since the foreskin is non-existent.

Sexual side effects of circumcision

Certain studies conducted decades ago made the claim that circumcision leads to decreased sexual sensitivity.

However, recent studies suggest that this is not necessarily true. Past studies also suggested that reluctance to use a condom or the need for lubrication are also long-term side effects of circumcision.

New studies discredit the belief that the foreskin is responsible for the bulk of the sensitivity of the penis, and that in its absence the penis will be less susceptible to stimulation during sexual intercourse.

Therefore, it is not entirely true that if you are circumcised, you will find sex to be less pleasurable.


In conclusion, it is clear that the ideal age for circumcision is still a matter of debate. There are pros and cons to each age, and the decision should ultimately be made by the patient or parent based on medical advice and personal preference. However, it is recommended that circumcision should be done early on in life, usually between the second and the tenth day after birth.

It is important, however, to consult your doctor about the potential benefits and risks of circumcision at any age before making a decision.

Contact us today if you have any questions regarding circumcision.