What is circumcision?
Circumcision refers to a surgical procedure for removing the male foreskin – the part of the skin that normally cover the tip of the penis. It is mostly done to infants when the tissues can still heal quickly, though it is becoming increasingly common to find teens and adults opting for the procedure.
What are the risks of circumcision?
Just like any other surgical procedure, male circumcision has its own set of risks, but all of which can be mitigated when done with an expert surgeon. They include but are not limited to the following:
- Mild infections
- Inflammation of the urethral opening
- Risk of unintended damage to penile tissues or nerve endings
How does a circumcised penis look?
Since circumcision removes the foreskin covering the glans, a circumcised penis will have the glans permanently exposed. A thicker flesh may grow at the site where the foreskin originated or there may be a faint scarring in the same spot, following the procedure.
What are the benefits of circumcision?
In the absence of circumcision, the foreskin forms a spot where secretions and body oils accumulate. The accumulations are known as smegma and if they are not removed regularly, they can lead to increased risks of urinary tract infections, and harbor sexually transmitted infections, besides posing other hygiene related health problems. Circumcision therefore prevents all these things from happening.
Where can I get circumcised?
There are specialty centers such as Montreal Circumcision, where there are dedicated circumcision specialists to carry out the procedure for both infants and adults. You can also have the procedure performed by a qualified urologist who is familiar with the procedure.
Why should I circumcise my baby boy?
You should only circumcise your baby boy when you feel it is the right choice for them, and the family. There are instances when circumcision may be encouraged for your boy due to cultural or religious reasons, but you have the ultimate right to make the right healthcare choices for your baby.